Being My #1 Fan

A few weeks ago I decided to be my #1 fan.
This decision came about after noticing some of the dialog that was going on in my head…
The judgment,
The comparison,
The belittling,
The unreasonably high expectations,
The disbelief in my potential and ability,
The lack of faith.
I realized that it had to stop.
Not only was it extremely disrespectful and demoralizing…
It was also incredibly hurtful.
I realized that I could no longer talk to myself this way.
It was hindering my success,
It was limiting me from achieving what I know I’m capable of achieving.
While I do believe these voices have good intentions and are only trying to help, they fail miserably when it comes to execution and tend to make a mess out of things.
It was time to fire these voices… and start engaging with myself in a different way.
A way which included...
Talking to myself the way I would talk to someone I really admired and respected,
Being positive, encouraging…. and helpful,
Looking for solutions instead of complaining,
Sending friendly reminders,
Cheering myself on,
Watching out for my blind spots,
Celebrating my wins,
Wanting the best for myself,
AND... maybe most importantly...
Showing up… NO MATTER WHAT….
Not abandoning myself.
I decided I would start being my #1 fan.
So far, it’s been going well.
I think my commitment to this new way of being solidified it more fully.
I haven't noticed those pesky voices around.
I have much more energy and resiliency, not to mention inspiration and creativity.
I’ve decided this new way of being is here to stay....
At least until it has completely replaced the old;).
How about you?
Are you being your #1 fan?
If you find you are not AND would like to be, you're in the right place! I love supporting people in helping them to be their #1 fan.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. Last week was the 1 year anniversary of my closed Facebook Group, Empowered Lives. Woo hoo! In support of being my #1 fan, I celebrated this milestone with the group by creating a birthday hat out of wrapping paper and singing happy birthday to everyone in a live video. Here’s a snapshot from this experience…
If you haven't yet joined this amazing community, click HERE to join today. I share content daily in this group to support people in creating and living an Empowered Life!
Here’s to being our #1 fans!!