Creating a Life from the Inside Out

I spent most of my life looking outside of myself for answers. This only left me feeling unfulfilled and unhappy. I have spent the past 6 years asking myself those same questions and looking within myself for the answers.
What I have come to find out for myself is that a meaningful and fulfilling life is created from the inside out.
What exactly do I mean by this?
What I mean is that I believe we have to know what fulfills us before we can create a life of meaning and satisfaction. We have to know what our values, vision, and life purpose are before we can create a life around these things. If we don't do this, I think we become risk to one or all of the following:
- Living someone else's values, vision, and life purpose
- Wondering aimlessly wishing and hoping we come across what we are so desperately seeking to find
- Reacting to life
Unless we happen to get lucky and someone else's values, vision, and life purpose just so happen to be the same as ours; or we get lucky and stumble upon a life that is in alignment with our values, vision, and life purpose; we fail to live intentionally and create a life around what's actually important to us. We fail to live a life from the inside out.
Additionally, there is the component of our mindset. Our mindset strongly filters the way we perceive our life and the world. If we fail to examine this lens and make sure it is allowing us to see things clearly, it ends up limiting us from ever achieving our full potential as a human being. I believe that we have to make sure the lens through which we are seeing our circumstances and our life is actually one that is serving us well and working FOR US to create a life of meaning and fulfillment.
What I believe and what I am inviting you to believe with me is that a truly fulfilling and meaningful life is created from the inside out.
I challenge you to take some time over the next week to consider what's important to you and where you want to go. Check to see if your actions are in line with your values and vision. Additionally, take a look at the lens through which you are viewing your life and the world. Make sure it is working for you to create a life of meaning and fulfillment.
Are you living a life from the inside out or the outside in?
Remember, you ALWAYS have a choice. Choose to create a life that you actually want to be living. Choose to create a life from the inside out!
In Ultimate Support of You!