Gratitude to my tribe

I’m becoming acutely aware of a pattern.
It shows up in all areas of my life.
It’s driven by certain fear based beliefs…
I’m too intense.
I’m too serious.
I want too much.
I feel too much.
I think too much.
I’m too much.
Yes… I have a self-limiting belief that I’m too much…
For most people, at least.
So… I hold myself back.
I don’t express how I really feel.
I don’t say what I really think.
I either retreat from you, or I work hard to fit in and be who I think you want me to be.
So that you will feel comfortable.
So that you’ll feel ok.
But… I’m realizing it comes with a steep cost.
I sacrifice my own comfort for yours.
I give up my passion and aliveness so that you can feel safe.
And… I see now that it has been a choice.
I’ve made a choice to listen to this fear based voice within me.
It has caused me to play small.
It has caused me to hold back.
It has led me to being superficial with you.
Which has created a lot of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and disconnection for me.
Because I’ve fed this voice for most of my life, it’s developed a strong hold over me.
But… thanks to the new awareness I have, I’m working to break myself free.
Not only am I working to break myself free, but I’m getting a lot of support from others.
I’m showing up in my life in a way that I haven’t shown up before and I’m being received in a way that is quite surprising…
Certain people actual want more of me!
Not only do they want it, they are demanding it from me.
It doesn’t make sense to me.
It’s counter intuitive to me.
They are calling me forth to bring more of my range to the world.
And as a result, I’m experiencing a greater sense of aliveness and deeper connection.
I’m so thankful for my tribe.
How about you?
What tribes are you a part of? How do they inspire you to bring more of yourself to the world?
If you find yourself longing for deeper connection, with yourself and others, I would love to support you.
Simply grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS It’s becoming quite apparent to me that the walls that exist between where I am now and where I want to be are entirely self-created AND I continue to re-enforce them by listening to and feeding certain self-limiting beliefs. This realization is incredibly empowering and extremely frustrating… both at the same time!