How are you investing in yourself?

Assuming the weather cooperates... I’m leaving Monday for California.
Sonoma to be specific.
No, not for the wine…
But, the first of 4 week long retreats.
I’m starting a 10-month Leadership Program through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI).
While I’m sure the location, food, and wine will be top notch... my intention for embarking on this journey has nothing to do with these things.
I’m seeking personal growth and development.
Specifically, I’m wanting to grow in my understanding of myself… my strengths and limitations, and learn how to leverage my own unique abilities...
SO THAT I can empower others to step more fully into their potential...
SO THAT they can create lives full of meaning and fulfillment.
Yes, it’s a big undertaking… I know.
But, I have 10 months to accomplish this...
Which should be plenty of time given the rate I like to move these days;).
I’m going all in…
There is no holding back these days.
Why would I continue to invest in myself after having just invested in a yearlong coach training and certification program?
Good question… I’m glad you asked;)
There are several reasons for my decision.
Since I know your time is precious, I will spare you the details and bottom line…
I want to be the very best version of myself I can be.
Yes… I think that sums up my intention well.
I’m tired (actually, totally burnt out and done with would be a more accurate description of how I feel) of holding myself back from what I know to be possible with this life I’ve been given.
I’ve played small for way too long and I just can’t stomach it anymore.
I’m ready to do whatever it takes to be the very best version of myself I can be.
I’m determined to play all out and muster up every ounce of courage that exists within me to do this.
It’s not easy to live this way.
But… the alternative does not seem to be an option for me anymore.
The only thing that feels safe these days is to trust my intuition and follow it wherever it wants to take me.
Which usually involves catapulting myself out of my comfort zone into the unknown!
It hasn't disappointed me yet.
I’ve grown more in the past year than maybe any other year in my life, and feel more alive and excited about life than I have since I was a child.
Which only makes me more inclined to keep jumping!
And... this Leadership Program feels like the next jump for me.
My intention is to stretch and grow myself in ways that I'm not able to on my own.
How about you? How are you investing in yourself?
Are you moving forward in the way you want or do you find yourself at a standstill? If you find yourself at a standstill unsure of how to get going again or which direction to go, feel free to reach out to me. I love supporting people in stepping into the life they long to be living.
Simply click here and grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I'm taking Warren Buffet's advice... “The best investment you can make is in yourself.”