How Do You Define Success?

“Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.” ~ Anne Sweeney
My life looked good on paper. I graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor's degree in accounting and finance, received a master's degree in accounting, got my CPA license, and had a successful career in public accounting as an audit manager.
But, I felt empty. It felt as though my soul was dying.
Why did I feel unfulfilled and unhappy when I did all the things I was "supposed" to do?
Is this normal? Is this what it's like to be an adult? Does everyone feel this way? Should I lower my expectations? This can't be all there is. Am I being too idealistic or selfish to think there is something "more"? Do I need a hobby? Crap. What do I do?
These are some of the thoughts that went through my mind.
As you can imagine, it was a pretty unsettling place to be.
After making a decision to take a big leap and pursue the something "more", I now realize that there was nothing wrong with me. In fact, I know now that this is a totally normal response to have when you are operating out of alignment with your values, interests, and life purpose.
Whew, such a relief. I wasn't crazy after all or too idealistic in my thinking.
What I know now is that I can create and live a life that I want to be living. A life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and supports my life purpose. I can create a life around what I value and what's important to me.
It hasn't been easy. It resulted in making some trade-offs. It involved a lot of introspection and help from others. It took questioning some long held beliefs and cultural norms. It took clarifying and defining my own values, interests, and life purpose.
But, it was well worth the effort.
What I was left with was my own version of success.
My version of success includes living in alignment with my values, interests, and life purpose. It includes supporting people in realizing their potential. It includes making an impact. It includes contributing. It includes giving. It includes loving myself and others. It includes living simply.
How about you? How do you define success? What does your version of success look like? Are you creating and living a life that honors your definition of success? Do you feel alive and energized by life?
Or, have you failed to create your own definition? Are you living someone else’s version of success? Are you honoring someone else’s values, interests, and life purpose? Do you feel like your soul is dying?
I’d love to support you in creating your own version of success so that you can enjoy the life you are working so hard to create. I know firsthand how it feels to work hard and feel like you have nothing to show for it, in terms of your own happiness and fulfillment.
Click here to schedule a 45 minute Empowerment Session with me. We will take a look at where you are, where you want to be, and determine how I can best support you.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. My dad always told me growing up that there are two ways to learn things. One way is to learn from someone else's experience and the other way is to learn through having your own experience. I have always been a little stubborn and had to learn a lot of things through having my own experience. I would love for you to be able to learn from my own experience and save yourself some misery. You CAN create the life you desire. Don't wait another minute to start your journey! Click here to schedule a 45 minute Empowerment Session with me.