How Do You Reconnect to Your Power?

Stuck. Paralyzed by fear. Swept up in a whirlwind of limiting thoughts. Not able to see clearly. Unable to access my resourcefulness and creativity. Totally disconnected from my power and ability.
Can you relate?
It happened to me earlier this week.
I sat down to plan my week and became overwhelmed with everything on my plate.
The limiting thoughts started coming…
There’s not enough time.
You’re going to drop the ball.
How are you going to pull this off?
What were you thinking?
You’re going to disappoint people.
You should just give up now.
Within about 15 minutes, I was consumed by fear.
All my power… gone… out the window.
My brain wasn’t working. I couldn’t think clearly. My thoughts were scattered and disconnected.
I knew I had to act quickly.
The train was going off the tracks if I didn’t jump in and take over.
I started doing the things I know work for me to reconnect me to my power...
I paused.
I created a plan and a schedule.
I walked.
I meditated.
I practiced yoga.
I limited distraction.
I read out of inspirational books.
I asked for help.
I connected with my support system.
I journaled.
I created an intention.
I listened to music.
I took action.
I put nourishing food in my body.
I made sure to get enough sleep.
I changed the way I was talking to myself.
I offered myself compassion.
I reconnected with myself. I took back my power.
My brain started working. My mind became clear. A confidence and sense of assurance arose within me.
I became open, loving, and at peace.
I got back in flow.
This is my natural state.
Fear takes me out of it.
I can always recover back to this place.
Sometimes quickly… sometimes slowly.
It is always available if I work for it.
How about you? How do you recover back to the most powerful version of yourself? What tools and techniques support you?
If you find yourself disconnected from your power and unable to find your way back, I'm happy to help. I love supporting people in reconnecting to their power so that they can create and live the lives they want to live.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. If you're interested in gaining some more tools to support you in reconnecting to your most powerful self and live in the North Central Florida area, I've got some great news for you! I'm facilitating a workshop on October 23rd in Gainesville, FL and will share many of the tools I use when working with my 1:1 clients. In this workshop, you will be inspired and supported to start living from your full power and ability. Click here to learn more about this event and for registration.