Is it True?

Once you start noticing self-limiting beliefs and the circumstances that trigger them, the next step is to learn how to work with them so they don't keep you from creating and living the life you want.
I'm going to share a couple techniques to help you work with them.
First, acknowledge their presence. Pretending they don't exist or ignoring them often results in them becoming even louder. If you are feeling particularly bold, thank them for being there. Tell them that you appreciate their efforts in trying to keep you safe and comfortable.
Second, ask them for the 2% truth they want you to know. What is the 2% truth that's driving their presence? See if you can sift through the layers of fabrication to find the value that this voice is trying to offer you.
Third, deconstruct the remaining 98% by asking yourself, is it true? If you answer yes, can you absolutely know this to be true? These inquiries come from the work of Byron Katie.
A belief is a thought or an idea believed to be true. We adopt beliefs as we grow up based upon what we are taught by others and the influences around us. We often fail to question the validity of an idea or thought offered to us by asking ourselves if it's true. Just because a thought is true for someone else or a group of people, doesn't necessarily mean it is true for you. And just because you believed a thought to be true at one phase of your life, doesn't necessarily mean that you believe it to be true today.
If you have beliefs that aren't serving you, I challenge you to use the tool of inquiry. Ask yourself if the belief or thought is true. If yes, can you absolutely know it to be true?
Self-limiting beliefs serve as an upper limit and so if we want to break through our upper limit and have more success and happiness, it is necessary to examine and deconstruct the self-limiting beliefs that are keeping us stuck.
So, ask yourself, is it true? Can I absolutely know it to be true?
In Ultimate Support of You!