Is living a fulfilled life a radical act?

I’m beginning to wonder.
Having discovered this way of living…
which involves living in alignment with my personal values, listening to my intuition to guide me, following my own inner compass, living intentionally and "on purpose"…
I’m starting to wonder why everyone isn’t living this way.
Why aren’t we taught how to move through life this way early on?
Why is there so much emphasis on conformity?
Why are we conditioned to look externally for guidance and direction?
Why aren’t we encouraged to listen to our own inner voice when making decisions?
Why didn’t I hear this message earlier?
Is it just me that missed the boat?
These are just a few of the questions I’ve been asking myself lately.
Is living a fulfilled life a radical act?
I’m beginning to think so.
Which, if you haven’t already noticed;), is why I’m on a mission to tell everyone about this way of living.
I want people to know there is another way to live and move through life that doesn’t involve conformity. It is alive and rich... full of possibility.
I call this way of living, creating a life from the inside out.
It involves going within and discovering who you are and what makes you come alive in this world.
It involves listening to your own voice and speaking your truth.
It involves using your intuition to guide you and make decisions.
It involves living intentionally… living “on purpose”.
It involves looking within for direction and guidance.
It involves ignoring the fear based voices that keep you playing small.
It involves courage and commitment.
It involves focus and determination.
It involves making up your own rules.
It is a radical way of living.
AND... I’m inviting you to join me.
Are you ready to let go of the preconceived rules and limitations that are holding you back? Are you ready to step into a new way of living that will enable you to access the full range of your power and ability? Are you ready to contribute to your work and life in a meaningful and satisfying way?
Are you ready to step into what truly brings you alive as a human being?
If so, I can’t wait! I’m so excited for you to experience life in this way.
Come join me on a journey you won’t regret. I’ll be your guide and will help you connect with yourself in a new and exciting way.
We will have a grand time.
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS There is only one week left to take advantage of my current pricing structure. Effective September 1st, I will be increasing my prices on all my coaching packages. If you are interested in learning more about coaching and whether it could benefit you, simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar today and we can talk. Now is a great time to get started.
PPS If you're interested in learning more about this topic but not quite ready to jump into 1:1 coaching right now, I want to offer you another resource. I'm going to be leading a workshop in October on this very topic. I will be guiding people through interactive exercises to help them clarify their values, create a personal mission statement, and identify their inner authority SO THAT they can start living a fulfilled life. Click HERE if you, or someone you know, has interest in learning more about this event. This is another great opportunity to support you in getting started on this journey.