Is there a wildness in you?

There is a wildness in me.
It’s coming out of my bones and seeping through my pores.
It’s Raw and Unyielding,
Beautiful and Wise,
Powerful and Strong,
Alive and Free.
It doesn’t seem to care about what I, or other people, think.
It’s on a mission... and doesn’t appear to be willing to settle for anything less than it knows to be possible for me.
Up until relatively recently, it’s been locked in the basement.
With a heavy door sealing it shut.
A door constructed through years of conditioning...
“You can’t do that.
Who do you think you are?
That’s not acceptable.
You need to fit in.
That’s not professional.
People are going to judge you.
You’re going to make other people uncomfortable.
That’s not ladylike.”
And on and on it goes…
Layers of it.
Conditioning so deep that it has taken over 20 years to work through…
AND...there's still more to go!
But, the seal has cracked and the wildness is starting to seep out.
This wildness wants me to…
Love unconditionally,
Live unapologetically,
Give endlessly,
Express gratitude continually,
Contribute fully,
Play all out,
And…most importantly...
Be true to myself and live a life of courageous authenticity.
Yes, it has high hopes and expectations for me:).
Some days, I don’t feel quite up to the task.
It seems to demand more than I feel willing or capable of giving.
It lovingly understands and waits patiently for me to connect with the courage I need to keep going.
Can you relate?
Is there a wildness seeking to come out of you? Has it been locked up for so long that you hardly even hear it anymore? Is there a desire within you to step into yourself more fully and allow this wildness to have its way with you?
If you're anything like me, I know the idea of connecting to your wildness might sound terrifying and maybe even downright impossible. The wall of fear that currently exists between you and your wildness may appear incredibly intimidating to climb.
Having been on this adventure for a little while now, I want to offer you some assistance and support.
If you're ready to take the first step to connect to your own aliveness, simply grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk. I love supporting people in breaking down the walls that keep them from their own wildness.
Simply click here to schedule a spot on my calendar.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. A wild, courageous, and incredibility insightful woman I know shared a post with me last week that feels fitting to share with you now. My sense is that it may have provided the inspiration for this post. While it is written for women, my sense is that it's just as applicable for men. I'm sure there are some men out there with a little wildness left in them;). Click here to read the full post.