Is Your Dance Missing a Key Element?

One two three…five six seven…
One two three…five six seven…
This is the step count for Salsa and Bachata.
I’m in the process of learning these dances.
Last night I had my second lesson for both dances and am continuing to build on the basic steps.
“One two three…five six seven…”
It keeps going through my head.
These dances are a lot like building a meaningful and fulfilling life.
A life created from the inside out. A life you are proud to live.
Both start with building a foundation.
In Salsa and Bachata, you need to know the basic steps before you can do more complicated moves.
In building a meaningful and fulfilling life, you need to know what’s important to you (i.e. your values), your purpose, and where you want to go (i.e. your vision), before you can align your life with these things.
Both require focus.
Learning Salsa and Bachata requires being totally present in the moment. You could miss an entire 8 count of steps if you space out or your mind wanders. One distraction could lead to a misstep which could mess up the entire flow of the dance. Total focus is required. Your partner is depending on this!
Building a meaningful and fulfilling life requires being intentional about what you are creating. Distractions are all around. There is what your family thinks, what your friends think, what society thinks, what is acceptable in your culture, etc.. There is Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Snapchat, email, text, and more. Keeping up with social media alone could cause you to miss out on your entire life! Focus is crucial in making sure distractions don’t take you down a road that doesn’t lead you to where you want to be.
Both require resiliency.
In Salsa and Bachata, if you miss a step you just pick up where you left off and get back on track. There is no time to beat yourself up or have a pity party. You let the misstep go and focus on getting the next step right.
Same thing with building a meaningful and fulfilling life. If you find you’ve ventured down a dead-end road or taken a wrong turn, you just get out your compass (i.e. values, purpose, vision) and reorient yourself. Then, you take the next turn that leads you to your desired destination. There is no point in stewing over the wrong turn you made, it will only delay your arrival. Let go and move on!
Your turn now. Is your dance missing any of these key elements?
If so, which element could you incorporate today in order to create a beautiful dance?
As always, I’m here to help. If you need help learning or implementing any of these elements, feel free to reach out to me. Simply grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk about where you got lost, where you want to be, and how I can best support you in getting back on track.
Click HERE to grab a spot on my calendar.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I have a feeling it’s going to take me awhile to master these two dances. I’ve only just begun. Another thing in common with building a meaningful and fulfilling life. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it will NEVER happen if you don’t get started!