Living On Purpose

I thought it was about a podcast.
That was the initial idea I had.
I wanted to create a podcast where I interviewed people who appeared to be living their own version of success AND using their own internal compass (values, intuition, purpose, etc.) to help guide them.
I love interviewing people and learning what makes them tick!
Not only would this project allow me to live out my own purpose more fully, it would also be fun!
I laid out a plan back in December and committed to complete certain action steps by this week.
The accountability I created around completing this plan definitely supported me in the follow through.
There were many times over the past three months where I doubted myself and wondered what the heck I was thinking when I made the decision to do this.
Committing to specific, measurable, time specific, action items was key to me moving forward.
Researching how to create a podcast, deciding what platform to use for the interviews, and interviewing at least one person (I ended up doing 4!)…
These were the action steps I committed to doing by this week.
I thought it was about a podcast.
After I completed my first interview, I realized that what I had embarked on was much bigger than a podcast.
Yes… the components to creating a podcast are falling into place and I’m excited to share it with you when I have it ready but…
I realized that this project is about my own evolution towards living more fully on purpose.
AND more of all that comes along with this…
Yes… this project of creating a podcast opened up more of everything I want!
Who would have thought?
If I would have known this, I would have started this project much sooner?.
Actually, I’m really just grateful that I did get started.
It feels like I climbed to a higher ledge and can now see so much more!
I’m excited for what lies ahead… not only for my podcast but…
I’m excited for the possibilities that exist for my own evolution in living more fully on purpose.
There is a much bigger game to play!
How about you? Are you living on purpose? If not, what would be possible if you were?
As always, if you are feeling like you could use some support, please reach out to me. I would love to see if I can help you in living more on purpose!
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS I’m doing my second round of interviews over the course of the next month or two so there is still time to speak up if you, or someone you know, feel like you would be a good candidate for me to interview and have a desire to support me in living more fully on purpose! Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.