Surrender and Receive

Shortly after arriving in Denver at the beginning of this year, I was scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed and a post caught my attention…
Looking for new Colorado Co-Active community representatives.
As a recently certified Co-Active coach, new to the Colorado area, who was in Leadership … this seemed like a great opportunity to create the kind of community I was seeking.
So… I said YES to the invitation AND less than a month later I became a Colorado Co-Active community rep.
About a month later, I was attending a Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CWCC) local networking group meeting. During the meeting, the President of the group announced her resignation and there was a request for someone to step up and take on this role.
About two months later, I said YES to another invitation and became the President of the CWCC West Leads Group.
Throughout all this, I had been getting regular acupuncture treatments at the Denver Community Acupuncture Clinic. I noticed on the board in the waiting area that they offer a lot of other wellness type services (massage, naturopathy, massage, midwifery, cupping, psychotherapy, etc.). I really liked the clinic and the practitioners I had seen there so I emailed one of the owners and asked her if they had ever thought of offering life coaching to the community.
I followed an urge I had without attachment to the outcome.
Shortly after I sent the email, I received a response saying that not only was she interested but that they had space opening up in May. The timing was perfect for me!
Next month, I’m planning to join this community on a part-time basis and offer life coaching services!
All of this seemed to transpire as a result of showing up, following through on my urges, not being attached to a specific outcome, and paying attention (and surrendering) to what felt like was wanting to happen. It reminds me of a quote I love from Joseph Campbell…
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
I’m noticing that in order to receive what is waiting for me, I have to be willing to give up my ideas about how exactly it will look.
I have to surrender to what’s wanting to happen through me and let go of what my ego may want (or not want) to happen?.
Easier said than done, I know!
The result… I actually get what I most deeply desire (even though I may not know it at the time)!
Yes… surrender and receive.
This seems to be the game I’m planning these days.
AND I’m noticing that this game of surrendering and receiving involves far less energy than me trying to force something to happen (usually that never ends well for me ?).
How about you?
What game are you playing? Does it feel easy and effortless or is it involving a lot of energy from you?
If you find yourself wanting support in creating a new game for yourself, reach out to me. I love supporting people in surrendering and receiving!
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk!
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS In following an urge, I had the sense that Denver women were wanting a mini retreat to support them in slowing down and connecting with themselves and others. To this end, my fabulous co-leader and I decided to bring our Find Your Hidden Gem event to Denver. We are so excited! If you are a woman in the Denver, Colorado area seeking to slow (WAY) down and connect with yourself and other women, this event is for you! Click here for event details and registration. Come join us in creating magic!