
I’m unplugging... for 10 days.
No email or social media.
Cell phone only for purposes of coordinating certain parts of my travel.
I’m so excited!
It’s been a long time since I’ve unplugged to this extent.
I think the last time was in 2012 for a 3-day silent meditation retreat.
I typically work some when I travel, even if it is just checking and responding to emails.
But... for this particular trip, I’ve decided to unplug as much as I can from technology.
Technology allows me to share my message, coach clients, connect with peers, access other amazing coaches, and train and develop myself from … ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Technology has made it possible for me to have the type of business I have today.
I’m so grateful.
But… like most things, it can be helpful to take a break.
Breaks can allow me the opportunity to...
Get perspective
Change things up
Disrupt habitual responses
Allow for new ways of thinking and doing things
Access more creativity and spontaneity
Create space
Go within
AND… most importantly,
Yes, rest.
It seems my default orientation to life is more of a forward focus… what’s next?, where am I going?, what else to I want to do?...
It can be challenging but…
I get so much value from it.
It’s like taking a break on a long trip…
It allows me to check in with myself, replenish my reserves, nourish myself, and assess my current state….
Where am I? How am I feeling? Do I need to pick up any supplies? Can anything be left behind? Does my future destination still resonate with me? Is there a better route from here? What’s available to me now that I couldn’t see before?
Yes, stopping is crucial.
Otherwise, I’m at risk of running out of steam and/or missing an alternate route that could be much more enjoyable.
How about you?
Do you make time to stop? If so, how do you maximize the time you’re stopped so that you feel supported on your journey?
If you find yourself running out of steam but are having difficulty stopping, feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested in getting some assistance. I’d love to support you in slowing things down so that you can take a break and get rested.
Simply click here and grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS Thanks to technology, most of you will be reading this while I'm on break:).
PSS If you reach out to me while I’m on my break, I’ll get back to you (hopefully energized and rested;)) when I’m ready to plug myself back in!