Visualizing Success

It was called the pamper pole.
A telephone pole standing twenty-five feet tall with an eight-inch round diameter platform attached to the top.
It was intimidating… to say the least.
The goal was to climb to the top using the metal staples attached to the sides and then step onto the platform.
One small step… the kind of step you would take when climbing a flight of stairs.
Easy… right? ...
Not so much for someone with a very strong fear of heights.
Yes… I would be harnessed and have a team of belayers.
But still….
Twenty-five feet up in the air with nothing to hold onto and a platform barely large enough to fit both of my feet.
Were they kidding?
How was I going to do this?
I noticed the fear escalating and a sense of panic starting to set in.
But... what happened next blew my mind.
They asked for a volunteer to go first and I immediately raised my hand.
Then, I looked up at the pamper pole… and saw myself standing at the top…
Tall and confident.
The wind on my face.
Looking out at the tree tops all around me.
Feeling a sense of accomplishment.
In that moment, I knew I would make it to the top.
There was no doubt in my mind.
I started climbing.
Slow and methodical.
My mind laser focused.
Totally present in the moment.
When I got to the top, I took some time getting myself into position before stepping onto the platform.
Once I was ready, I stepped up.
Like I had done it a million times before.
It was effortless.
Standing at the top... feeling the wind on my face… looking out at the tree tops… my heart was soaring.
I couldn’t believe what I had just done.
It felt like an alien had invaded my body and taken over.
It was incredible.
A confidence and self-assuredness that often escapes me.
I looked down at my peers cheering for me on the ground below and tears started welling up.
I had done it.
I had accomplished my goal.
It was beautiful.
I felt Empowered.
I achieved what I set out to accomplish.
And... I had done it through visualizing my success.
The fear based voices couldn’t penetrate the crystal-clear picture I had created in my mind of how I would look and feel standing on top of that pole.
The power of visualizing success.
Creating a picture so clear in your mind that you can almost taste it,
So real that you can feel it in your cells,
So vivid that it become the only thing you see.
Can you see it?
Can you hear it?
Can you feel it?
Can you taste it?
Can you visualize your success?
I sure hope you can.
If not and you find yourself wanting support, you're in luck... because that's exactly what I do! I support people in creating their own vision of success and help them to make it their reality. It's amazing to witness and I know it's totally possible for you!
Simply click here and grab a spot on my calendar.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I visualized my success this week as a prepared for a presentation. I imagined how I would look and feel when I spoke. I connected with how the audience would receive me. I envisioned the sense of accomplishment I would feel at the end, having delivered an engaging and informative presentation. Having successfully fulfilled my vision for this presentation, I'm again reminded of the power of this tool.