What are you distracting yourself from?

Something strange has happened to me…
I’ve lost interest in checking my social media news feeds,
I don’t have a desire to drink alcohol,
I don’t have a desire to buy things I don’t need (in fact, I’m trying to get rid of things!),
I’ve unsubscribed to most marketing emails,
I started checking my email and social media notifications at certain times during the day… and stopped checking them first thing in the morning,
I turned off notifications on my phone and changed my notification settings to only be notified of things that really interest me,
I removed myself from Facebook groups that don’t resonate with me,
My life feels simple and I have space and energy for the things that are most important to me.
I wake up at 4:45am to sit in silence and practice yoga,
I plan my out my day in advance using my SELF Journal,
I don’t seem to struggle getting the things done on my “to do” list,
I don’t feel drawn to look outside myself for validation or direction,
I feel an underlying sense of gratitude and appreciation for my life and the things in it,
There is a deep sense of contentment and satisfaction … that doesn’t seem to be dependent on what’s going on externally in my life.
I’m not sure what happened to me.
The strangest thing is that these changes seem to have occurred somewhat spontaneously.
There hasn’t been a lot of attention or effort made on my part to try and make these things happen.
They seem to be a by-product of getting clear about who I am, what’s important to me, and what I want to accomplish.
It’s such a stark contrast to the way I felt and moved through my life a little over a year ago.
I used to welcome any distraction that provided an escape from the reality of my life…
AND believed that was what being an adult was about.
I’m so glad I found another way to live and exist in the world.
I’m so glad I didn’t settle.
How about you?
How are you experiencing life? Is it alive and rich or do you feel drawn to distract yourself from the reality of your life? I hope for the former, but if you find yourself in the latter category unwilling to settle, I’d love to offer you another way…
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. If upon reading this, you feel drawn to unsubscribe yourself from my mailing list or remove yourself from my closed Facebook Group, Empowered Lives, by all means go for it! I’m in total support of you giving yourself what you need;).