What are you saying YES to?

"You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine." - John C. Maxwell
I used to sleep with my phone on the nightstand beside our bed.
I started noticing that I was spending about 15-20 minutes before I went to bed and 15-20 minutes when I woke up mindlessly on my phone (checking email, Facebook, Instagram, etc.).
I realized that this activity was not supporting me in moving myself towards where I wanted to go.
So, I decided to put my phone in the other room before going to bed.
In the evenings, I started unwinding by reading a book before going to bed. In the mornings, I started waking up when my alarm went off (instead of hitting snooze) because I had to get out of bed and go into the other room to turn it off. I started my day with 30 minutes of meditation and some reading from inspirational books before planning my day (check out the Self journal for an awesome tool for planning your day).
While these changes were relatively small with respect to my daily routine, their impact was HUGE.
I started noticing how much more grounded I felt during the day and how much less reactive I was to things. I felt like I had a better handle on my to do list and action items because I had actually taken the time to plan out my day and block off time on my schedule for specific tasks. I noticed that I felt much more calm and at ease.
It was a reminder to me that by saying YES to something, I'm inadvertently saying NO to something else.
By saying YES to mindlessly checking my phone, I was saying NO to meditation, reading, and planning my day.
This decision was impacting the rest of my day which had an impact on my week/month/year/and life!
Our habits have a significant impact on the trajectory of our life.
What are you saying YES to that is inadvertently causing you to say NO to something else? Something else that could be supporting you in moving yourself in the direction you want to go.
What small shift could you make today to your daily routine to open up space for something else to emerge?
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if I can support you. Accountability and external support can often be really helpful in creating new habits.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. The small shifts I made to my evening and morning routine ended up opening up space for other things to emerge. More time for meditation, more yoga, more exercise, more time reflecting and planning, more breaks during the day to disconnect, more time to play, more creativity, more time to day dream, more reading books, more intentional activity. Less time on social media, less time checking my phone, less distraction, less reacting, less time spent in activity that doesn't fuel me.