What’s keeping you from your own freedom?

In honor of Independence Day this week, I thought I would write about freedom.
Specifically, my own freedom.
Despite my external conditions and circumstances providing me with a lot of freedom, I spent a good portion of my life imprisoned.
Imprisoned by thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
While not intentional, this imprisonment was of my own making.
I built the walls and locked myself inside.
It wasn’t until the prison I had created for myself became so unbearable, that I became willing to seek help outside myself.
I tried to live within the confines of the prison I had created as best I could, until I couldn’t take it any longer.
I saw others living a life where they seemed to be experiencing much more freedom than I was, and became interested in finding another way.
I became willing, open, and curious.
This willingness, openness, and curiosity was the key that opened the door to my own freedom.
These qualities allowed me to start breaking down the walls that I had built.
It wasn’t easy. There was a lot of pain and struggle along the way.
But, gradually…over time, I started experiencing more freedom.
As I found alternative ways to work with my thoughts and emotions, they no longer had the hold on me that they once did.
As I started questioning the validity and truth of long held beliefs, the ones that no longer served me started falling away.
As I peeled back the layers of conditioning by putting my thoughts, emotions, and beliefs under the microscope… what I discovered was that I was already free.
My freedom was hiding behind all the stuff I had constructed in my mind.
What a revelation.
I was already free… I just couldn’t see it with all the other stuff in the way.
Today, I believe that the only limits are in my mind.
I believe that I’m capable of much more than I know or realize.
It seems my work is to continue removing all the barriers to freedom that I’ve constructed in my mind (intentionally or not).
Not an easy task I must say.
The good news… I have control over my own freedom.
The bad news… I have control over my own freedom.
No one can do this work for me.
I am the only one who can break down the walls that I have constructed in my mind. Yes, I can get help and assistance from others, but I must do the heavy lifting.
My experience has shown that the work and effort required to break down walls always seems to lead to more freedom.
What’s on the other side is totally worth it!
What have you found through your own experience? Are you limiting yourself from experiencing more freedom? What walls do you need to break down?
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if I can be a support to you. I love helping people break down walls!
Click here to schedule a 45-minute complimentary Empowerment Session.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. If you’re anything like I used to be, you might be thinking that you can free yourself from this self-imposed prison. I tried this for a long time and what I found was that I couldn’t see beyond the walls that I had constructed. It took assistance from others, who had experience in freeing themselves, to gain the tools and techniques that I needed to break down the walls. They could see what I couldn’t see and that made all the difference. If you find that you are tired of trying to do this work yourself, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love to support you in re-discovering your own freedom. Simply click HERE to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.