What’s the Learning?

I dropped out of college after my freshman year.
I thought I wanted to go to medical school to become a psychiatrist, but found out that I didn't have an interest in all the science and math that it would require.
I was interested in the psychology of human behavior, not so much the hard science behind it.
I decided to take a break from school to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.
I started waiting tables and bartending.
I really liked the restaurant business. I loved meeting new people and having the opportunity to interact with different types of people daily.
After about a year of working full-time waiting tables and bartending, I realized that I was going to need a college degree in order to create the kind of life I wanted for myself.
My own experience contributed significantly to my learning.
The insight and realizations I had through my own experiences motivated me to go back to school and apply myself.
I learned so much through my experience of waiting tables and bartending.
Some might look at that time as being a waste or have regrets about it, but I don’t see it that way.
I see it as a being a valuable learning experience in my life.
I learned more about myself, what I wanted, and what was important to me.
Today, I choose to see all experience this way.
What’s the learning?
That’s the million-dollar question I’m always asking myself in any given situation.
There is always opportunity in every experience for learning.
Always opportunity for growth.
Always opportunity for change.
What do you see?
Do you see experience as opportunity for learning or do you look at it as something that is getting in the way of having a "better" or "different" kind of experience?
Today, I challenge you to see if you can find the learning that’s available in every experience.
It’s there…even when we don’t want or choose to see it!
As always, feel free to reach out to me if you need support. I’m happy to help you discover the learning that’s available in your current situation.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I ended up going back to school for finance and accounting, because I thought I wanted to own my restaurant and wanted to understand the business side of things. Little did I know that ~15 years later I would become an entrepreneur (not as a restaurant owner, but as a coach) and that an accounting and finance degree would serve me well. Sometimes the learning doesn't reveal itself until much later down the road:).
You have discovered one of the secrets to a fulfilling life. Also, helping and interacting with
people is gratifying.