What’s your excuse?

"I’ve invested too much time.
I don’t know what else I would do.
It will get better.
Everybody else is “doing it”.
I’m being a baby… I just need to suck it up and deal with it.
This is as good as it’s going to get.
I’m being unrealistic.
I need to appreciate what I have… it could be a lot worse.
Today wasn’t that bad.
I just need to exercise more, eat better, drink less, sleep more, etc., etc.
If only ___ would change.
I’m being dramatic.
No one will support me.
The money is good.
I have job security.
It’s not really that bad."
These were just some of my excuses for staying in a career that didn’t fulfill me.
I had a laundry list of them.
Some of which, definitely had some validity.
There was some truth in each of my excuses that was worth acknowledging, but most of them were large fabrications of truth that kept me from moving forward.
My excuses kept me stuck.
But… I didn’t see it at the time.
I thought I was doing the best thing for myself.
I thought I was being rational. I thought I was being practical.
But, my rationale and practicality came with a cost.
They cost me my aliveness and zest for life.
They limited me from achieving my potential.
They stifled my spirit.
They trampled on my soul.
These days I work hard to keep my excuses from stealing away my joy and wellbeing.
I work hard to look at my excuses to see if there is any truth they have to offer me… before throwing them out the window.
Today, I’m committed to not letting my excuses get the best of me.
How about you?
What are your excuses? How are they limiting you from creating and living the life you desire? Have you found a way to manage them so that they don’t hijack the aliveness and zest for life within you?
I sure hope so. If not, and you find yourself tired of settling for something less than you desire, reach out to me and we can talk. I love supporting people in tossing their excuses out the window and stepping into the life they long to live.
Click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. Underneath all my excuses was a big, fat, blob of fear... Fear of the unknown. Fear of failing. Fear of what other people would think. Fear of disappointing. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of not getting it “right”. Fear that I couldn’t handle “it”. While my excuses were protecting me from getting hurt, they were also keeping me from experiencing what was possible for myself. Having bulldozed through this big, fat, blob of fear, I can say that none of my fears have actually come true. In fact, quite the opposite. I’m now experiencing life in a way that I never imagined possible and it never could have happened had I listened to my excuses and let fear make my decisions. Are you ready to engage your courage and bulldoze through your excuses? If so, click here and grab a spot on my calendar. I would love to support you in blazing this journey.