Who are the characters on your bus?

I want to illustrate a concept using a metaphor of characters on a bus. The idea for this post came from several sources. The overarching concept comes from the Co-Active model I am trained in through the Coaches Training Institute®. This concept is supplemented with information in the book, "Taming Your Gremlin", by Richard David Carson. The material comes from my own life. For purposes of this illustration, the bus represents me and my life and the characters represent various parts of myself.
When these characters are in line and doing their job well, my bus runs smoothly towards its desired destination, a life full of meaning and fulfillment. If any one of these characters hijacks the bus and takes over the driver's seat, my bus becomes at risk of breaking down, getting stuck, and/or having a miserable trip.
The goal is to keep these characters in check and call on them when needed, depending on the particular circumstances and conditions that arise on the trip.
Love- This is my higher self, my true self, my wise self. The one who "knows". She has my best interest in mind and is always looking out for me. This one sees the best in life and in people, sees her purpose as helping people live into their greatest potential, wants the best for others, and seeks to contribute. This one doesn't want anything from me, except for me to realize and step into my greatness. Her goal is to get the bus to its desired destination with everyone safe. She is the bus driver, when everything is running smoothly.
The Bully- This one likes to tell me all kinds of things, usually things that include the words can’t, should, and ought. She tells me things like, "that's a stupid idea", "you can't do that", "that's not realistic", "you're being irresponsible", "you can't really help people", "no one is going to value your contribution". This one likes to keep the bus stopped and stuck. Her sole purpose is to keep me in my comfort zone and maintain the status quo. She is supposed to stay in the back seat but since she is especially clever and tricky, she sometimes sneaks her way into the driver's seat without me knowing.
Self-doubt- This one is always questioning Love and trying to get her to listen to the Bully. She is terrified of the Bully. She is the timid one who is afraid of everything. Her sole purpose is to wear Love down enough so that she will give in and listen to the Bully. Her job is also to maintain the status quo and keep me safe by keeping the bus from moving forward. She is like the energizer bunny that keeps going and going. She is relentless. She is supposed to stay in the back seat with the Bully, but will often sneak into the driver's seat after being coerced by the Bully.
The Survivor- This one has been through hell and back. She has overcome one adversity after another and knows how to persevere and get back up. She is strong, resilient, wise, and hates excuses. She has a lot of battle scars to tell her story. She is unstoppable. Her sole purpose is to keep the bus moving. She won't take no for an answer. She is my superwoman. She is a passenger on the bus.
The Appreciator- This one sees good in everything. She believes that life is happening for me, not to me. She appreciates everything in life and always sees the silver lining. Her purpose is to remind me to be grateful and to appreciate life in all its beauty. She is always stopping to smell the roses and reminding me to slow down. Her purpose is to help me enjoy the ride. She is a passenger on the bus.
The Doer- This one loves lists. She thrives off checking things off of her list. She is laser focused on what needs to be done and is always taking action. This one is a rule follower and likes to play inside the box. Her purpose is to accomplish tasks and goals. She is a passenger on the bus.
The Bold One- This one is brave and likes stepping out of the comfort zone and living life in a bold way. She lives like today is her last and is not afraid to take risks. Her biggest fear is having regrets. She is not afraid to put herself out there because she knows that playing small doesn't serve anyone. Her purpose is to take this bus on a grand adventure to see lots of fun and exciting things. She is a passenger on the bus.
The Nurturer- This one is always taking care of everyone. She is always making sure that everyone has enough to eat and drink and is getting enough rest. She is always telling Love how well she is doing and offering words of praise. She is an encourager. She is compassionate and kind. She loves seeing others happy and enjoying themselves. Her purpose is to care for me and make sure everyone on the bus has what they need for the road trip. She is a passenger on the bus.
As you can see, all of these characters serve different purposes and all are needed at various times in order for the trip to be successful. Problems develop when one of these characters become dominant and take over.
For example, if the Bully or Self-Doubt take over, the bus doesn't move forward. It stays stuck wherever it stopped last. If the Survivor or Bold one take over, there is no evaluating risk, weighing the pros and cons, or mapping out a course. There is only moving forward. If the Doer takes over, lots of action will get done, but there will be no time to enjoy the ride or stop to course correct. Tasks will be accomplished, but there will be no celebration or fun. If the Appreciator or Nurturer takes over, then not much will get done. There will be lots of love and positive vibes, but no forward movement. You get the point.
All of these characters are important and serve a role when they are in check and balanced. Without each of them serving their role properly, the bus doesn't run smoothly and is at risk of breaking down, getting lost, and having a miserable journey.
Your turn now. What characters are on your bus? How do they serve you? Are you keeping them in line and calling upon them when needed so that your bus gets to the desired destination and you have an enjoyable ride? Or, are you stuck on the side of the road because one of them hijacked your bus? I'd love to know.
If you need a guide or a mechanic for your trip, I'm your girl! I would love to support you in getting your characters in line so you can get your bus to its desired destination and enjoy the journey getting there. Believe me, I know firsthand that being stuck, lost, or miserable on the journey is no fun. For you or anyone else! Sometimes, you just need a little help from someone else to get unstuck. If you are in need of some assistance, click here to schedule a 45-minute Empowerment Session with me. We will take a look at where you are, where you want to be, and determine how best I can support you.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. If you are in need of a guide or mechanic for a longer portion of your trip, I'm offering a discounted rate to the first 5 people who sign up for my signature 3 month 1:1 coaching program. Be sure to click here and grab a spot on my calendar and lock in your discount today!