Being my own work of art

If you think I know what I’m doing…
Let me assure you that I do not.
In fact, I’m acutely aware in this moment of how little I do know…
About what I’m doing, or where I’m going.
Yes… you heard me right.
I don’t know what I’m doing, or where I’m going.
And, oddly enough… I’m totally ok with it.
Not only am I ok with it, I’m actually experiencing a lot of freedom in this place!
I’m remembering something (a wise man?) said to me when I was in high school.
While I don’t remember his exact words, he said something to the effect of…
“No one really knows where they’re going. You just know that you don’t know and it freaks you out.”
I spent most of my life running from this fear.
It seemed that everyone else had figured out where they were going and how to get there, and I was the only one without a map.
I felt lost. Disconnected. Unsure of myself. Confused as to which direction to go.
The more I looked for direction outside of myself, the further I ended up away from myself.
I thought that someone else had the answers. I thought someone else knew where I should go.
It wasn’t until I ended up so far away from myself, that I was willing to stop and consider another way.
I was willing to ask for help.
And start a LONG journey back to myself.
It took me a long time and a lot of wrong turns to find my way back.
But, it feels like I finally found my way home.
I have a new compass that is guiding me.
And yet, I’m not sure exactly where I’m headed…
But, I know I’ll find my way.
I don’t feel lost, disconnected, unsure of myself, or confused as to which direction to go.
In fact, I feel more clear than ever.
It’s just that I only know the next step in front of me.
I can’t see the whole picture yet.
And… it feels so freeing. It feels so safe.
It is so liberating.
I know that from this place, wherever I end up will be just fine.
Not only will it be fine, it will be just perfect?.
It’s a felt sense.
It’s hard to describe in words.
It just feels right.
How about you? How does it feel to you?
If you find yourself feeling lost, disconnected, unsure, and confused, I’d love to see if I can support you in finding your way back to yourself. I love being a guide to people on this journey.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS I know that one of my next steps is co-leading a women’s mini retreat next month in Denver. And… I have a sense that it is going to be magical! I’m so excited about what we are going to create with the beautiful women who join us. I can’t wait! Come play with us and make sure to take advantage of the early bird price that ends Friday, May 4th. Click here to register.
PSS I think this post can be summed up well by a few words from Madonna…”I am my own experiment. I am my own work of art.” Yes… this!