Celebrating Success

This week I’m celebrating becoming a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC).
I found out Monday that I passed my oral exam… the last component of CTI’s coach training and certification program.
It’s hard to believe how much has changed in just a year.
I started my coach training September 16, 2016 and became a CPCC September 25, 2017.
I feel like a different person.
So much has changed… both internally and externally.
I have so much more clarity about who I am (and who I am not!), what’s important to me, and what makes me come alive in this world.
I have stretched myself far beyond my comfort zone and as a result…
I have expanded my upper limit and can see endless possibility from here.
Now that is something to celebrate!
Celebrating success has been a huge part of this journey for me.
My goal was BIG and I knew that to accomplish it in the time frame I intended, I was going to need all the support and positive vibes I could get.
Every step along the way has been significant.
Each win contributed to moving me closer to my ultimate goal of becoming a CPCC.
Each win was worth celebrating.
Sometimes, the celebration was simply writing it down and acknowledging it.
Other times, the celebration took the form of an afternoon off, a massage, a nice dinner out, tickets to a concert, or a vacation.
There was always some form of celebration for each step I took along this journey.
Each step that stretched me outside of my comfort zone was acknowledged.
And today, having achieved my goal of becoming a CPCC, I recognize that this has made all the difference.
It nourished me when I felt tired and depleted.
Celebrating my success provided the fuel for my journey… and continues to do so!
How about you?
Do you celebrate your success?
If not, I would offer you today to consider doing so. It may provide the sustenance and motivation you need to take those last extra steps. It will definitely make the journey more enjoyable!
If you find yourself struggling to celebrate success and would like some support in doing so, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I love supporting people in giving themselves permission to celebrate… there are so many reasons to celebrate yourself and your success!
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
Here’s to your success and to the celebration of it!
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS I’ve scheduled a 90-minute massage this afternoon to celebrate becoming a CPCC. I’m so excited!!
PSS I found an amazing productivity tool about 6 months ago that allows me to easily capture my wins for each day… in addition to so much more! If you haven’t heard of the SELF journal, I would encourage you to check it out. As an added bonus, click HERE to get $10 off your purchase today!