Connecting with Others

I’m back home after my last leadership retreat.
I gave it my all.
My head and heart are whirling with all kinds of thoughts and emotions.
It’s going to take some time to process everything and integrate it into my life.
When I left for retreat last Tuesday, my energy was low and I was feeling discouraged.
It seemed like all I could see was what wasn’t working.
It seemed like all I could hear was anger and destruction.
It seemed like all I could feel was pain and despair.
It felt as though there was too much heartache in the world to hold.
If felt as though I couldn’t change anything.
It felt as though my impact didn’t matter.
I kept asking myself the question… why even bother?
I showed up at retreat and was honest about where I was and how I felt.
It allowed me to get reconnected.
I reconnected with my purpose.
I reconnected with the physical world around me.
I reconnected with others.
I realized that I can’t hold the pain of the world on my own.
I realized that I can’t make the impact I desire if I’m not connected with others.
I became acutely aware that I can’t do this alone.
I realized that it’s up to me to open myself up and ask for help.
I realized that there are people… a lot of people actually… who are hungry for the same things I long for and are just waiting for me to show up and ask for help.
I realized that there are people who can, AND want to, meet me.
I realized that I think what we all long for, on a very deep level, is to be seen and heard.
During my travel back from San Francisco to Denver, I saw a completely different world.
It seemed all I could see was good.
It seemed as though all I could see were people wanting to help.
It seemed as though all I could hear was laughter and connection.
It seemed as though all I could feel was love and hope.
I realized that when I feel disconnected and discouraged, I can close myself off to life and to others and wallow in my despair, or I can open up my heart and ask for support.
I realized that I get to decide what perspective I want to stand in as I move through life.
And... I realized that it matters.
It makes an impact on how I show up and experience life and the world around me.
How about you? What perspective are you standing in?
Do you feel disconnected and alone on your journey or connected and inspired?
If you feel disconnected and alone, AND ready to shift to a new perspective, I would love to connect with you to see if I can help.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You,
PS This week’s podcast episode is with David Hall. David learned early on the value of connecting with others. He created his first business at the age of 8 and now owns 13 companies. David is an entrepreneur at heart and has learned the value of helping others. Come to join me to learn more about how David’s upbringing, life experiences, support network, and strong faith have led him to the success he’s created in his life today. Click here to access my interview with David.