Getting Messy

“Get down on your hands and knees and act like a dog... Get messy.”
This was the challenge I received from my last individual supervision session (part of my coach training).
Ugh, really?
I don’t like getting messy…
At least I didn’t before this week.
This challenge was to support me in expanding my range as a coach.
To support me in being more comfortable with things being messy so that I can support my clients in stepping outside of their comfort zones to live the BIG, BOLD lives they desire...
with an added bonus of helping me to step more fully into my own aliveness and pursue my dreams.
Because I’m a sucker for personal growth and development, AND because I have a really strong desire to support people in living the lives they want,
I accepted this challenge.
I set an intention this week to get messy and have been sharing about my experience in my closed Facebook Group, Empowered Lives, and posting on this topic on all my social media platforms.
It hasn’t been comfortable.
I had to throw a lot of things out the window this week in order to give myself permission to really get messy...
Including (but not limited to) my desire to... look good, have it be “perfect”, get it “right”, not make a mistake, maintain a sense of order, have things fit nicely in a box, dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s, not fail, do it well, make others happy, maintain the peace, not rock the boat, not upset anyone, be liked …
Yes, I had to let go of a lot!
Was it worth it?
ABSOLUTELY! Hands down one of the best challenges I have accepted.
What did I gain from this experience?
I tried some new things. I took more risks. I was more willing to make a mistake. I had less concern about "looking good". I was more present... less in my head. I had deeper connections with people. I was more relaxed. I had more moments of enjoying the ride. I got some perspective. I was able to (for more moments at least:)) not take myself… or others… or life … SO DANG seriously.
I played. I had fun.
AND... as an added bonus, it supported my supervisor's intention of helping me to be a better coach.
It was a win/win for all parties involved.
How about you? What could getting messy offer you? How can you support yourself in getting messy today?
As always, feel free to reach out to me if I can be a support. I love supporting people in getting messy so that they can step more fully into their aliveness and live the BIG, BOLD lives they dream.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. To support myself in getting messy, I posted this picture of myself on all my social media platforms this week. Yes, it was a stretch for me! My intention in sharing it with you is that it might offer you a smile:). Here's to getting messy AND having fun!