Is lack of play keeping you stuck?

I was stuck. My mind was going in circles and I couldn’t find the right words.
I took a break and went for a walk. As I walked through the playground by my house, the swing set caught my eye.
I jumped on a swing and started swinging.
As I pumped my legs and began to swing higher, I noticed the breeze on my face and wind in my hair. I continued pumping my legs harder until I was swinging as high as the swing set would allow. My stomach dropped each time I went down and I felt a rush of excitement as I went back up again.
I felt like a kid again.
It only lasted a few moments but it was enough to shift my mind into a new place.
A place of not knowing.
When I was on the swing, I wasn’t thinking about anything other than being in that moment. I felt the breeze on my face, the wind in my hair, my stomach as it was dropping, and the excitement of swinging higher.
As I continued my walk back home, my mind felt more spacious.
There was a new energy available to me now.
I walked back home and sat down at my computer. Within 15 minutes of returning to my computer, I finished what I had spent more than an hour trying to accomplish before my walk.
The words just came to me.
I didn’t have to make an effort, other than to allow the words to flow through me.
What shifted?
While I’m not a scientist and don’t propose to know exactly what happened to me, I can share with you my thoughts about this experience.
Through this experience of play, my creativity emerged.
It felt like my energy shifted from my head and my thoughts to a strong connection to my intuition and inner knowing.
This experience, along with other similar experiences, has been enough for me to believe in, and trust, the benefits of play.
How about you? What is your experience with play? Do you incorporate play into your life to access your creativity and inner knowing?
If not, I offer you two questions to consider today...
How is your lack of play keeping you stuck in your life?
What is one thing you could do today to incorporate play into your life?
If you are having trouble coming up with some ideas, here are a few suggestions:
- Host a game night
- Arrange a night out with friends
- Spend time in a park
- Play with a pet
- Surround yourself with playful people
- Joke with strangers
- Do art
- Play with children
- Go to a museum
- Jump on a trampoline!
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if I can support you. If you’ve forgotten how to play and need help connecting with your inner child, I’m more than happy to assist.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I used to think I didn't have time for play. Since incorporating play into my life, I’ve discovered that things still get done. I just have a lot more fun in the process!