
It was time.
It was a visceral feeling I couldn't deny. I felt it through my entire body.
I knew it was time to jump.
But, I couldn't do it. My mind wasn't ready.
It didn't have all the details figured out and so it was stalling. It was waiting for the perfect time, for the right opportunity, for all the details to be figured out.
But, that never happened. And so, I just kept waiting...
Until I got pushed off the ledge. I wasn't expecting it. But, I jumped anyway.
It was terrifying.
It felt like I was free falling for far too long before I hit the water and started swimming.
Can you relate?
Have you ever been pushed off the ledge before you were "ready" only to find that you probably never would have been "ready" if you hadn't been pushed off?
Maybe it was that speaking event that someone so generously signed you up for, without knowing about your fear of public speaking. Maybe it was the promotion you got when you weren't quite ready to take the next step. Maybe it was getting let go and being forced to look at other opportunities.
I've found that the circumstances don't matter.
What matters is that we jump.
Whether it's something that happens to us that is out of our control or a choice we make based on our own intuition, we arrive at the same spot.
In the water.
These days, I prefer to get there on my own.
I prefer to listen to my own intuition when making decisions instead of having someone make them for me.
How about you? How do you connect with your intuition? Do you listen to it? How does it guide you in your decision-making process?
Intuition is powerful stuff. It doesn't mess around. If you connect to it and listen, the answers can be quite clear.
What is your intuition saying to you today? Is it telling you to jump? If so, what are you waiting for?
If you have a sense that it's time to jump but you are feeling stuck and need some support, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I can help you get connected with the courage you need to jump. Simply click HERE to grab a spot on my calendar. We can talk about where you are currently, where you want to be, and how I can best support you in getting there.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I found there was a whole new world available to me after I jumped. It was only one step away. If I had only known, I would have jumped much sooner! Don't let life pass you by. Take the step to grab a spot on my calendar so we can get you moving towards taking that jump today.