Identifying Values

I believe that a meaningful and fulfilling life manifests from living in alignment with your values.
Do you know your top values?
If not, this post is for you! I’m going to provide you with 10 ways to mine for values. Grab a pen and paper and let the discovery process begin!
1. Think about a peak experience in your life. What makes this experience so meaningful to you?
2. What upsets or angers you? What values are being stepped on?
3. What is your favorite movie? What values are conveyed in this movie?
4. What do you like to do for fun? What values are honored in these activities?
5. Do you have a secret passion or obsession? If so, what about this secret passion or obsession is important to you?
6. Do you have a hero or heroine? If so, what are the qualities you most admire in them?
7. How do you want to be remembered? What qualities do you want to be remembered as having?
8. If you have children, what is most important to teach them?
9. What do you want right now? Why do you want these things?
10. What are your most favorite things? Think of people, places and things that you most enjoy.
These are just a few questions that can help you identify values.
Once you come up with a complete list of values using the questions above, circle the 4-6 values that are most important to you. On a scale from 1 to 10, ask yourself how much you are honoring each value. If there are any values that you don’t rate highly, ask yourself if there are ways you can honor these values more in your life.
I guarantee that you will experience more meaning and fulfillment in your life as you strive to honor your top values more fully!
In Ultimate Support of You!