Moving with the Music

I went to see Dark Star Orchestra (DSO) over the weekend at Red Rocks.
If you haven’t heard of them, they are a band that recreates Grateful Dead concert experiences.
On Sunday night, they recreated the Grateful Dead’s legendary Red Rocks show from July 8, 1978, on its 40th anniversary.
It was quite an experience.
My husband got me into listening to the Grateful Dead.
He often plays them when we are driving or hanging out around the house.
Initially, I wasn’t crazy about them but they have grown on me over the years.
So, when my stepbrother in-law bought us tickets to see DSO in Red Rocks as a welcome present to Colorado, I felt somewhat obligated to go.
If nothing else, going to this show would serve as a gesture of appreciation for this gift from my stepbrother in-law, as well as an opportunity to share this experience with my husband… since I knew he was really excited.
So… I decided that I was along for the ride.
My intention was to be open.
Being completely sober during the entire experience, it took me a little bit to get past my self-consciousness and relax into the experience.
When the music started playing, I intentionally started moving my body. It was very subtle at first but I knew that I needed to move my body physically in order to get out of my head.
And as I started moving with the music, it felt as though I slowly shifted out of my mind and into my body.
I found myself dancing and moving in ways that really surprised me (my husband later told me after the show that I busted out some slick moves??).
I focused on staying connected to my body and listening to how it wanted to move with the music (instead of what other people around me were doing or, what they may (or may not) be thinking).
It felt so freeing.
It felt so expansive.
I felt alive.
And connected…. to something bigger than myself.
I was an instrument for the music to play and I allowed myself to surrender to the experience.
When it was over, I realized that I didn’t want it to end.
I wanted to stay there on the red rocks all night and allow the music to keep moving through me.
Despite the initial fight it gave me, I noticed my mind was at peace too.
It felt as though my mind appreciated the rest from (its often relentless and constant) activity.
I left the experience reminded that my body and soul know how to move me.
I remembered that my body and soul know the direction to take me.
They know what makes me come alive and what nourishes me.
They know what I need… not only to survive, but to thrive!
Yes… my body and spirit know the way.
And… it’s up to me to follow.
How about you? What part of yourself to you tend to pay the most attention to? What would be possible if you allowed your body and spirit to guide you (at least a little more than they currently do?)?
As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if I can be a support to you. I love supporting people in connecting with their bodies and spirits. It’s such a beautiful process to witness (maybe that’s why watching people dance can be so entertaining!).
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
Here’s to connecting to our bodies and spirits for the sake of allowing the music of life to move through us!
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS This week’s podcast episode is with my good friend and soul sister, Kristen Shader. Kristen and I started our journey together in Gainesville, FL by way of an introduction from a mutual friend. At the time, Kristen worked as a licensed mental health counselor and I was working as an audit manager in public accounting. We had an instant connection and realized that we lived only a few blocks away from each other. This created the opportunity for lots of long walks and deep talks. We have supported each other as we have both sought to follow our souls’ journeys over the past two years. Kristen’s journey led her to quit her job as a therapist and travel the world for 9 months. My journey led me to quit my job in public accounting and pursue a career in coaching. Both of our journeys led us to moving to Denver (within a few months of each other) where we are continuing our walks and deep talks! Life seems to work in strange and mysterious ways and this is just another example of how we never really know where it’s going to take us. Come join me to hear how Kristen has found a way to engage with courage to follow her soul’s journey. Click here to access this episode on iTunes on Thursday, July 12th.
PSS Here’s another picture from the show. How could this not transport you to another dimension?!