
My nickname growing up was Spunky. I remember a shirt I loved, and wore often, with the word on it. While I thought the word was cool, I never thought much about the meaning. In fact, until recently, the word evoked a completely different connotation for me. I thought Spunky meant funky, goofy, silly, or playful. None of which, I felt described me.
Over the past several years, I've worked hard to foster curiosity about myself. I've spent a lot of time thinking about the types of work and activities I really enjoy. I've gotten curious about peak experiences in my life, experiences where it felt as though time didn’t exist and I felt totally alive. I’ve become interested in who I am and what makes me come alive in the world.
In addition to contemplating the person I am today, I also spent time reflecting on my childhood. I asked my parents questions to find out more about what I was like as a child. I became curious about what my interests were, what my personality was like, and what I enjoyed doing, before the world told me to think and feel otherwise.
Through this process, I’m happy to report that I found out what I like and what I’m interested in. I found out what makes me come alive. I found the answers that I was looking for, the answers I had been looking to others to answer for me. This journey wasn’t easy. It took fostering curiosity, a willingness to look within and ask myself some tough questions, and a desire to really know myself.
How about you? Do you know the type of work and activities that make you come alive? Do you know what your interests are? If so, have you spent time developing and deepening those interests?
I believe that a meaningful and fulfilling life and career manifests from living in alignment with our values, interests, and life purpose. As a Professional Career Coach, I help people clarify these things in order to support them in discovering work that maximizes these and brings out the best in them.
I’m looking for 5 dream clients right now to enroll in my 3-month signature coaching program. Email me or grab a spot on my calendar and we can discuss where you are, where you want to be, and determine if this program is the right fit for you.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. I looked up Spunky recently and found out that it means full of spirit, courage, and determination. Yep, that describes me. To a tee. I guess some things don’t change!