What values do you hold dearly?

What does your perfect day look like?
Mine would involve some (preferably all) of the following…
Yoga and meditation
A great cup of coffee (from fresh ground locally roasted beans)
Reading from inspirational books
Making food (from scratch, using REAL food)
Walking or running with Veda (our 6-year-old Doberman Pinscher)
Not driving…or being in…a motorized vehicle of any kind:)
Riding my bike to commute
Being outside in nature
Meaningful connections
Casual clothing and NO makeup
Time with my husband
Connecting with family
What values come to mind when you read some of my favorite things?
Values represent what's important to us right now. They are not morals. They are not chosen. They are intrinsic to who we are and as distinctly ours as our own thumbprints.
A few values that come to my mind as I reflect on some of my favorite things are simplicity, minimalism, silence, meaningful connections, family, contribution, impact, nature, physical movement, reflection, creative expression, self-care, and personal growth.
Yes...simplicity, meaningful connections, contribution, reflection, self-care, creative expression, and personal growth are a few the values I hold dearly.
It wasn't until I was educated through my coach training about the significance of values and the importance of living in alignment with them, that my life really started to change.
Prior to gaining this knowledge and understanding, I didn't really give my values much thought... and definitely wasn't intentional about living in alignment with them.
What I’ve discovered through the process of clarifying my own values and being intentional about honoring them, is that my fulfillment and satisfaction is directly related to living in alignment with my values.
These days, most of my days involve some, if not all, of my favorite things.
Today, I live a life I love that honors my values. I make choices and decisions from a place of really seeking to honor my values more fully.
Yes, it has meant making some changes.
No, it isn't always easy or comfortable.
Yes, it has required letting go.
No, it isn't mainstream.
Yes, it has required some tradeoffs.
No, it isn't perfect! ... but, it's perfect to me:).
Living in alignment with my values has made ALL the difference with respect to my satisfaction and fulfillment in life.
Today, I feel satisfied and fulfilled.
I love my life.
And…I want the same for you!
What does your perfect day look like?
What values are reflected in some of your favorite things? Are you living in alignment with these values? What choices could you make today to honor your values more fully?
If you need some assistance in clarifying your values so you can start making choices that align with what’s important to you and create more meaning and fulfillment in your life, simply grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
Click here to schedule a complimentary 45-minute Empowerment Session.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. This is just one exercise that can be helpful for identifying values. There are so many more! If you need more help clarifying your values, click HERE to check out a post I wrote awhile back that includes some easy ways to mine for values. You can also check out my 4-Step Workbook for Defining Success on Your Own Terms. The first step in this workbook is all about clarifying values. Click HERE to access this Workbook.