Who are you becoming?

I thought it was about a blog post and a Facebook Live video.
It ended up being so much more than that.
When I became an entrepreneur back in the fall and started my own coaching business, I had a clear vision of how I wanted to support people and what I wanted to create for myself. I knew that in order to support people in the way I wanted, I was going to have to share myself in a more vulnerable way with people.
I was scared.
But, I knew that I needed to take action despite the fear and self-limiting beliefs in order to move myself forward in the way I wanted to.
So, I committed to myself to sharing in my closed Facebook group, Empowered Lives, each week on a specific topic through a combination of mediums (Facebook live videos, blog posts, quotes, articles, videos, audio recordings, etc.).
Despite the fear, I took action anyway.
This week marks my 23rd week of sharing content through blog posts and my 19th week of consecutive weekly Facebook live videos.
I thought it was about sharing the blog post and posting the Facebook live videos, but it ended up being so much more than that.
"It’s not about the specific action steps we take or the results we get, but who we become in the process."
I hear this phrase often from one of my mentors.
I have found this to be true through my own experience of taking action.
Through engaging courage and taking consistent action to do the things that scared me, I changed in the process.
I became more confident in myself. I became more comfortable speaking my truth. I became less concerned about what people thought of me. I became more connected to myself. I embraced myself more fully. I became unapologetic about sharing my truth. I became more connected to my own power and strength. I increased my self-trust. I became more open and willing to do other things that scared me.
These are just a few of the ways I transformed myself through taking consistent and courageous action.
How about you? What has been your experience with taking action? Who have you become in the process?
I want to leave you with a challenge.
Think about an area of your life where you’re not fully satisfied. Paint a picture of what that area of your life would look like if you were fully satisfied.
What is one action step you can start taking today to move yourself towards creating more satisfaction in your life?
I’m excited to hear how this goes for you, if you decide to take me up on my challenge. I’m even more curious to hear about who you become in the process of taking action.
As always, let me know if I can be a support to you. I’m happy to assist you in taking on this challenge.
In Ultimate Support of You!
P.S. The person I became through taking courageous action was inspired to start dancing again. Last night, I attended my very first salsa dancing lesson. It was amazing! I had such a great time. Who would have thought I would be signing up for salsa dancing lessons as a result of taking action to do weekly Facebook live videos and sharing blog posts? You never know how taking action is going to transform you:).
This is BIG, Katherine.
Action, Move, Dance all verbs.
Soon, 1/2 year??