Leaving it all on the field

I’m getting ready to leave for California for my last leadership retreat.
For those of you who may not know this, I’m completing a 10-month long leadership program through the Coaches Training Institute.
This is the last of four, week long, retreats.
It’s hard to believe that this program I started in September is coming to an end.
I have learned so much.
I have changed so much.
I have grown so much.
I think what has surprised me most about this experience is how powerful it is to be (truly) seen and witnessed by other people.
I have been seen standing in my power and glory.
I have been seen wallowing in my weakness and failure.
I have been seen for who I really am.
Not for who I want to be, or who I try to be, or who I would like not to be… but for who I am when I’m my most authentic self.
There is power in vulnerability.
There is power in authenticity.
There is power in showing up… just as I am.
There is power in being seen.
It calls me forth.
Yes… I have been called forth.
And, I’m not sure I can turn back now.
I have been called forth to step into my power and magnificence and I’m not sure that turning around is an option anymore.
A higher bar has been set.
One that doesn’t care about my fear or excuses.
It’s time to leave it all on the field.
It’s time to go big… or go home.
Yes… it’s time to give up the last ounce of blood, sweat, and tears I have in me.
It’s time to finish what I started.
It’s time to get what I came here (and paid a lot of money) for!
Wish me luck! I think I’m going to need it.
I have a sense that it’s going to take every last drop of courage and heart within me to leave it all on the playing field?.
It’s time to go give it all I’ve got.
How about you? What are you leaving out on the playing field? Are you holding back out of fear, or giving it all you got?
If you find yourself wanting to be seen (really seen!) or wanting support to give it all you got, I’d love to connect with you to see if I can be of service.
Simply click here to grab a spot on my calendar and we can talk.
In Ultimate Support of You!
PS This week’s podcast episode is with James Davis. I met James through the Coaches Training Institute when I was in Denver completing my on-site coach training. I was struck by James’s presence and authenticity. James lives with integrity by showing up true to himself in each moment. James is a father, husband, and founder of the Human Blueprint, a leadership development, executive-and team-coaching Company. James is creating success on his own terms by living in alignment with what’s most important to him. Click here to join me to learn more about James and how he brings courage and an open heart to every area of his life.
PSS In order to focus on giving it all I’ve got, I’m going to be unplugging from email and social media for about a week. I’ll be plugging back in on Tuesday, June 19th and will respond to your post/email then.
PSS I know… a lot of PS’s this week. If you have seen a change in me over the past 10 months that you are willing to share with me, I would love your feedback. It is always helpful to hear impact from people who really see me?. Simply respond to this post/email with your thoughts. I’d love to hear them!